If anyone has put Astrology in its rightful place it is Tricia.
She most certainly utilizes it for what it really is designed for.
I was absolutely amazed at the valuable information she extracted from erecting my Birth Chart and how it has assisted and helped me to progress in my life.
I had been to quite a few different people in the healing profession but no one ever seemed to get to the core of my issues, Tricia did and I am extremely grateful for her dedication and insights.
M W CEO Sydney.
Tricia has an incredible knack for her insight into people’s patterns and bringing it to their attention. I have been to Tricia on a number of occasions and have also referred a few friends and acquaintances’ and in so doing have received quite a bit of feedback.
T. L Mid North Coast. (Healing Profession)
Tricia has given me more hope by providing me with some clarity in areas of my life which have always been difficult for me to understand. Her accurate assessments provide me with thoughts of possibilities for positive growth stemming from the restrained, guilty and somewhat fearful life I have been living. Don’t miss this opportunity as life is too short not to reach for inner peace, love and clarity.”….
Thanks so much,
Love SS
I have to admit that I was sceptical the first time I met with Tricia, but within a very short time, she had my full attention and I became fully open to accept Tricia and everything she had to say.
During our first meeting, Tricia did my chart and without giving her anymore information than my date, time and place of birth, she had an amazing level of knowledge of me, my family and my past. With a few guidelines, I could make my way through the path forward too.
I felt a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders, as Tricia proved that we are not alone on our quest to better ourselves on our forward journey. Help is always just a quick question away, but you need to learn how to ask for that help. With guidance and a bit of homework, this is not a difficult task and worth it.
Tricia won’t tell you what the future holds, but gives you all the tools you need to take the right directions. It’s all up to you, you have to do the work, it’s your choice and that’s part of why I value Tricia and her input so much.
Tricia has helped me bring clarity to quite a few situations, without being there. Although we have only had the one reading, I refer to the notes she provided to give me the inspiration and direction I need during unclear times.
There are few people in this world have impacted on me as much as Tricia has. With lack of a better word to summarise Tricia and her skills, I would say she truly is a gem, and should be treasured accordingly.
Yours sincerely
Jolimont WA
What a wonderful experience, I would never have believed that Astrology could be so spiritually uplifting.
I found Tricia to be most professional in her presentation with the layout of the planets right before your eyes and being a visual person found I was able to absorb this much easier.
Tricia combines her vast knowledge of astrology with her special gifts of the psyche to present to you a most complete package to enable you to start your true journey and understand change can be as close as within and then it’s up to you.
I suggest to anyone this understanding is not to be missed.
“ Crystal Stargate” NSW
I recently visited Tricia for my astrology chart. The experience was different to what I expected.
The chart that Tricia did for me was about me.
My first in-depth reading from Tricia took a couple of hours for her to explain what she had intuitively found when preparing my chart. It seems we have to know ourselves and how we currently deal with events in our lives before we can make the necessary changes to deal with life in a way better for us.
Tricia gave me information and tools to help me change and deal with my life in a more positive way. I can now go back to her for future readings to find out what the planets have in store for me and know that I will deal with events in a positive manner.
I am very grateful for having been introduced to Tricia.
Having my chart done by Tricia, helped give clarity to my life path that I do not believe I could have achieved by any other means. She accurately identified character traits that I was not consciously aware of that were holding me back from moving on to the next part of my journey.
Do not expect a sugar coated, generic chart that gives you all the answers. But do expect a very personal and detailed chart, with expert advice and guidance to assist you in making your journey a success and just a little bit easier.
Tricia spends hour’s compiling individual charts that are only relevant to that you. You also get a transcript to review later on.
Her ability and accuracy continue to amaze and inspire me. I have since been back for a further reading that identified how far I had come and what to expect in the next chapter of my journey.
To receive an acknowledgement of the personal and spiritual goals reached to date was a further inspiration. I continue to recommend Tricia’s services to my friends, as the help and inspiration she has helped me achieve is beyond anything I could have imagined for myself.
There are not enough thank you’s in this world that would express how grateful I am Tricia, may many more people decide to seek your wisdom and guidance.
” Quote from Dwayne, Spiritually Liberated”
Mwa mwa
My humble gratitude to each individual for taking the time and effort in acknowledging my work and character and for the immense courage that each of you have displayed in disclosing your own personal information.
With the deepest of Love and Care, Tricia